Blood Testing Laboratory

Advanced Lipid Check

Comprehensive lipid panel providing a detailed evaluation of cholesterol and lipid levels.

22 Biomarkers

Comprehensive lipid panel providing a detailed evaluation of cholesterol and lipid levels.

Additional Information

This advanced lipid test goes beyond standard cholesterol tests, measuring various cholesterol types (LDL, HDL, VLDL), triglycerides, lipoprotein(a), and apolipoproteins A and B. It offers a more complete picture of cardiovascular risk and helps identify potential causes of high cholesterol. Understanding these lipid profiles is crucial for proactive heart health management and personalized risk reduction strategies. The test provides insights into your cholesterol balance and potential underlying issues contributing to high cholesterol.

Biomarkers Tested (22)

Apolipoprotein A1 (Apo A1) (mg/dL)
Helps remove bad cholesterol from the body, lowering cardiovascular disease risk.
Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) (mg/dL)
Indicates cholesterol trafficking into artery walls, a factor in atherosclerosis.
Ratio (APO B / APO A-1)
Indicates cholesterol balance between atherogenic (bad) and anti-atherogenic (good) particles.
Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] (mg/dL)
Lp(a) is a cholesterol-carrying particle linked to genetic risk for heart disease. High levels increase cardiovascular risk.
Total Cholesterol (mg/dL)
Overall cholesterol level in blood
LDL Cholesterol (LDL) (mg/dL)
Contributes to atherosclerosis and increased heart disease risk.
VLDL Cholesterol (VLDL) (mg/dL)
Considered 'bad' cholesterol; contributes to plaque buildup in arteries.
HDL Cholesterol (HDL) (mg/dL)
Removes excess cholesterol from the bloodstream, protecting against heart disease.
Triglycerides (mg/dL)
Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood. High levels can increase the risk of heart disease.
Non-HDL cholesterol (mg/dL)
Non-HDL cholesterol is the total cholesterol minus HDL cholesterol, representing all "bad" cholesterols. High levels can increase the risk of heart disease.
Intermediate Density Lipoprotein (Mid C) (mg/dL)
A class of lipoproteins formed in the degradation of VLDLs.
Intermediate Density Lipoprotein (Mid B) (mg/dL)
A class of lipoproteins formed in the degradation of VLDLs.
Intermediate Density Lipoprotein (Mid A) (mg/dL)
A class of lipoproteins formed in the degradation of VLDLs.
LDL-1 (mg/dL)
Largest, least dense LDL subtype; less atherogenic than smaller LDLs.
LDL-2 (mg/dL)
Second largest, second least dense LDL subtype; less atherogenic than smaller LDLs.
LDL-3 (mg/dL)
Small, dense LDL; highly atherogenic, associated with increased coronary artery disease risk.
LDL-4 (mg/dL)
Small, dense LDL; highly atherogenic, associated with increased coronary artery disease risk.
LDL-5 (mg/dL)
Small, dense LDL; highly atherogenic, associated with increased coronary artery disease risk.
LDL-6 (mg/dL)
Small, dense LDL; highly atherogenic, associated with increased coronary artery disease risk.
LDL-7 (mg/dL)
Smallest, densest LDL subtype; highest atherogenicity.
Mean Particle Size (nm)
Low values indicate small, atherogenic LDL particles.
Coronary Risk (NA)
Risk based on mean LDL particle size; other risk factors may require medical intervention.

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Test Details

Sample Type
Blood (Venous)
Fasting Required
Not required
Results Time
10 days
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